Thursday, July 1, 2010

Martha & Marco's Wedding - 22.05.10 (updated!)

This blog post arrives 'slightly' later then planned as I play catch up...

The sun was shining brightly. The guests were arriving. The soft new leaves were swaying gently in the breeze and Gougane Barra was getting ready to witness another wedding on its sacred grounds.

Great. Looking forward to this. Two slight problems. Come 2pm, no sign of the bride. Fair enough. Brides are allowed some degree of tardiness on their wedding day.

No sign of the groom! Uh-oh…

Happily he had just got a bit lost on the way - picture it - an Italian groom lost in the middle of a Gaeltacht area of the country trying to find his wedding! The wedding eventually got underway and the rest of the day went without a hitch.

The couple wandered up to the woods above Gougane Barra with me afterwards for some photos and we were all very happy with the results.

Update:  Originally this post showed only the first four pictures below of the bride & groom looking suitably fantastic.  I've now added a couple of other images & moments from the day that caught my eye and included comments on all images to share my perspective - something I hope to do for all images on this blog in the future and something that I feel is important to share.

I've also made the images bigger - I am a photographer after all!

It's not often that you get Gougane Barra all to yourself after a wedding. I love the sense of space and openness as the bride and groom walk away from the church holding hands and chatting.

It's sometimes presents a challenge capturing embraces as the bride & groom may not be used to public displays of affection, especially for a camera! But here, the couple are wrapped tightly together and have eyes only for each other. I feel like I'm intruding slightly. A sign for me that I've captured real emotion.
As with the previous picture, again I feel that I've intruded slightly on a private moment. The sunburst balances with brides dress and there is a lovely softness about the bridal posture & expression as she looks down.
Another easy embrace for the couple - nice lighting behind them as the sun casts light through the trees.
Great emotion on dad's face as he walks his daughter to the church.
Father of the groom peers over his sunglasses and overseas operations as guests fill into the church. Would draw the eye more if his tie was only red in image, but alas, two ladies are also wearing red and the moment had passed when they had cleared the shot.
Not sure exactly why, but this image really appeals to me.   Maybe it's beacuse it looks like two old friends catching up, maybe it's because of the jackets slung over the shoulders, maybe it's the champagne & glasses or maybe it's the overall composition. All I know for sure is that it makes me smile.

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