Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mary & Jason's Wedding - 12.09.09

Yes, that's right, 2009.

Although this wedding took place just over a year ago, I met the couple again over the summer to deliver their wedding album after they decide to upgrade from a disc only package. We've been in touch and met up several times both before and after the wedding and it was a little strange for all of us to say goodbye for the last time! So, inspired by our last goodbye, this post finally gets written!

We were incredibly lucky with the weather on the day, and the groom was particularly delighted as he got to drive a beautiful red MX5 convertible with the top down through the countryside from Macroom to Clonakilty. Bride slightly less impressed with the wind in her hair, but she arrived to the beach looking as radiant as ever and both smiled the day away. From a photographers perspective, their attitude on the day and the thought and effort they had put into planning their wedding photos made them a dream to work with. I would highly recommend them as a bride and groom :-)

and delightfully, they feel the same way about me..

"The end results are perfect and reflect just what we wanted - a great mix of formal and informal shots of family and friends together with some really memorable pictures which definitely capture the highlights of our wedding day.

Niamh is a lovely person to deal with and she is also a consummate professional. We are absolutely delighted with our wedding photos and we highly recommend her."

Some of my favourite images from the day (with captions) are below.

Loved this image so much that I used it in some promotional material during the year. Light was pouring in through old farmhouse window to the right.
Lit from same window as above, but shot from a different angle.
A quiet moment during the ceremony
Too cute!
Sandwiches had been organised in a local pub and couple decided to walk down to it at last minute... cue a frantic bit of running on my part to get ahead of them and the congregation!
When we arrived to the beach, flowing water had cut a channel in our path. No a problem for my adventerous couple and while I was searching for a route across, they decided to jump! Just managed to get the camera on them in time.
Harsh sunlight can be a challenge to deal with when composing an image, but here I think it adds to the overall composition. The strong diagonal shadow of the couple together with their expressions make this image really appeal to me.
Grandad and grandson - happy, relaxed and content in each others company.
Nothing like a cuppa after a walk on the beach.
Grandad in a 'slightly' less relaxed pose as he works on his speech. 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Martha & Marco's Wedding - 22.05.10 (updated!)

This blog post arrives 'slightly' later then planned as I play catch up...

The sun was shining brightly. The guests were arriving. The soft new leaves were swaying gently in the breeze and Gougane Barra was getting ready to witness another wedding on its sacred grounds.

Great. Looking forward to this. Two slight problems. Come 2pm, no sign of the bride. Fair enough. Brides are allowed some degree of tardiness on their wedding day.

No sign of the groom! Uh-oh…

Happily he had just got a bit lost on the way - picture it - an Italian groom lost in the middle of a Gaeltacht area of the country trying to find his wedding! The wedding eventually got underway and the rest of the day went without a hitch.

The couple wandered up to the woods above Gougane Barra with me afterwards for some photos and we were all very happy with the results.

Update:  Originally this post showed only the first four pictures below of the bride & groom looking suitably fantastic.  I've now added a couple of other images & moments from the day that caught my eye and included comments on all images to share my perspective - something I hope to do for all images on this blog in the future and something that I feel is important to share.

I've also made the images bigger - I am a photographer after all!

It's not often that you get Gougane Barra all to yourself after a wedding. I love the sense of space and openness as the bride and groom walk away from the church holding hands and chatting.

It's sometimes presents a challenge capturing embraces as the bride & groom may not be used to public displays of affection, especially for a camera! But here, the couple are wrapped tightly together and have eyes only for each other. I feel like I'm intruding slightly. A sign for me that I've captured real emotion.
As with the previous picture, again I feel that I've intruded slightly on a private moment. The sunburst balances with brides dress and there is a lovely softness about the bridal posture & expression as she looks down.
Another easy embrace for the couple - nice lighting behind them as the sun casts light through the trees.
Great emotion on dad's face as he walks his daughter to the church.
Father of the groom peers over his sunglasses and overseas operations as guests fill into the church. Would draw the eye more if his tie was only red in image, but alas, two ladies are also wearing red and the moment had passed when they had cleared the shot.
Not sure exactly why, but this image really appeals to me.   Maybe it's beacuse it looks like two old friends catching up, maybe it's because of the jackets slung over the shoulders, maybe it's the champagne & glasses or maybe it's the overall composition. All I know for sure is that it makes me smile.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why, hello there!

Thanks for stopping by. This is my first attempt at blogging, so please bear with me while I get through the necessities and introduce myself! I'm a female wedding photographer based close to the charming town of Clonakilty and surrounded by all the beauty that West Cork has to offer. In addition to weddings, I photograph the little ones - be it the tiny new babies, feisty toddlers, angelic communions & confirmations and everything in between. I also have an interest in schools & debs photography.

I've contemplated starting a blog for some time now, especially having seen some of the wonderful postings that other photographers have shared, but I was afraid to do the same and held back.. until now that is! The title of my blog 'sharing the moment' is two-fold for me.

First, and most importantly, this is what I am invited to do as a photographer for every single shoot I've ever done and every single shoot that I ever will do - to share the moment.

It's an incredibly humbling experience to have strangers place so much trust and faith in you, and also, at times, a wee bit terrifying ;-) Like the first wedding after a break, when you are feeling a little rusty, and images from your parents wedding album flash before your eyes and you realise that tomorrow you will be taking the photos that in time will sit in someone else's wedding album for their children and grandchildren to oh and ah over.. heart stopping! Absolutely heart stopping! Of course, the wedding shoot goes to plan and the photos are great, but moments of doubt are, apparently, always waiting just around the corner. So no more looking at my parent's wedding album for me! I have digressed slightly.. oops.. but it's my first blog post after all. It comes down to this - I feel incredibly privileged that people invite and welcome me into their homes and into their lives to share the moments that are so special to them and to be an observer for a short time to the spectrum of emotions that each life brings.

Secondly, and following on from above, I get so much from photographing others, I feel it's only fair that I give a little back - to share some of my moments too :-)

Right, I'm off to work out how to add pictures to this :-)

Thanks again for stopping by, please feel free to get in touch.