Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Baby Amélie

Oh dear. So much for my new year's resolution to keep up to date with writing and posting blog entries! Well, it's only July, so I have plenty of time left this year to get cracking!

I had a wonderful baby photo session a few weeks ago and decided that there really was no better reason to re-commence the blogging then the celebration of a new life :-)

At just seven days old, baby Amélie was my youngest client to date when her parents invited me into their home to take her picture. We had it all timed and planned perfectly so that Amélie would be fast asleep and co-operative for her first photo shoot. Amélie, however, had other ideas and insisted on paying close attention to everything that was going on and letting us know when she thought we weren't posing her correctly to bring out her best side!

After a break for the little lady to have some well earned milk (and some tea & cookies for me and Dad), we were back in business - still wide awake mind you! Some of my favourite images from the shoot are below, and you can see some more in a slideshow over on my facebook page:

Amélie is a very bright baby and has already mastered the internet. You can read all about her adventures in her blog:

A huge thank you to Amélie's parents, Kristin & Séan, for not only inviting me into their home to spend some time with their beautiful little daughter and giving me such a warm welcome, but also for allowing me to share these pictures.

PS: While I was packing up my gear, she fell fast asleep :-)

Not just smiling at 7 days old.. grinning cheekily 'cos she knows she's supposed to be sleeping!

Watching the world go by from the safety of daddy's arms.  

Cradled into her mother's hand - safe & secure.

It sounds like a simple request, a picture of a baby's feet. However, as I mentioned earlier, Amélie was awake for most of the shoot AND wriggling AND kicking! To get this picture of her tiny little feet, we had to try to catch her legs and wrap them up in a blanket!!

I don't think I've actually had a baby photo session yet where at some point the studio didn't come under attack and get eaten!

I love the intimacy of this moment between mother and daughter.

Sleepy time!!