Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why, hello there!

Thanks for stopping by. This is my first attempt at blogging, so please bear with me while I get through the necessities and introduce myself! I'm a female wedding photographer based close to the charming town of Clonakilty and surrounded by all the beauty that West Cork has to offer. In addition to weddings, I photograph the little ones - be it the tiny new babies, feisty toddlers, angelic communions & confirmations and everything in between. I also have an interest in schools & debs photography.

I've contemplated starting a blog for some time now, especially having seen some of the wonderful postings that other photographers have shared, but I was afraid to do the same and held back.. until now that is! The title of my blog 'sharing the moment' is two-fold for me.

First, and most importantly, this is what I am invited to do as a photographer for every single shoot I've ever done and every single shoot that I ever will do - to share the moment.

It's an incredibly humbling experience to have strangers place so much trust and faith in you, and also, at times, a wee bit terrifying ;-) Like the first wedding after a break, when you are feeling a little rusty, and images from your parents wedding album flash before your eyes and you realise that tomorrow you will be taking the photos that in time will sit in someone else's wedding album for their children and grandchildren to oh and ah over.. heart stopping! Absolutely heart stopping! Of course, the wedding shoot goes to plan and the photos are great, but moments of doubt are, apparently, always waiting just around the corner. So no more looking at my parent's wedding album for me! I have digressed slightly.. oops.. but it's my first blog post after all. It comes down to this - I feel incredibly privileged that people invite and welcome me into their homes and into their lives to share the moments that are so special to them and to be an observer for a short time to the spectrum of emotions that each life brings.

Secondly, and following on from above, I get so much from photographing others, I feel it's only fair that I give a little back - to share some of my moments too :-)

Right, I'm off to work out how to add pictures to this :-)

Thanks again for stopping by, please feel free to get in touch.